The Challenge
Midwest Machinery Ltd are the sole UK distributor of Happy Embroidery Machines, the industry’s market leader. Midwest previously introduced their clients to one of the UK’s leading Asset Funders for a number of years, however regularly got frustrated as they would cherry pick deals and were also very poor to follow up on introductions and communicate effectively.
The Solution
PMD set up a supplier finance programme with a single dedicated account manager who understands the sector and machinery well. Midwest are now able to source finance packages for their full spread of customers, from start up through to blue chip. PMD have even been able to source grant funding in some instances and drive further growth in the textiles sector.
The Results
Midwest have grown their sales by 50% in the latest financial year. They are able to support new ‘Happy’ customers as they start up in the industry and continue to provide them with additional machines as they continue to grow and expand.